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Vitamin D & Friends:
Micronutrients for Gums and Bones 

Vitamin D3 and its Relevance to Our Body

Vitamin D controls over 2000 genes and thus plays a crucial role for all organs and processes in our body - a real booster for our immune sys­tem. The body's vitamin D requirements cannot be met through food, because it is actually a hormone and not a vitamin. It is formed naturally by solar radiation. 

There is a rise in an undersupply of vitamin D. Therefore, a supplementation of vitamin D3, independent of diet and sun, is essential for the long-term preservation of our health! 


The most efficient approach is supplementa­tion under controlled supervision. A lifelong vitamin D blood level of 50-80 ng/ml is a good, healthy goal.

Vitamin K2 (MK-7) is an important element working with Vitamin D to ensure optimal dis­tribution of calcium, preventing arteriosclero­sis & osteoporosis (calcium incorporation into bones instead of vascular walls)

A combination of MK-7 (the most active form) and Vitamin D3 should be used: 10,000 I.U. of D3 to l00µg of K2/mk-7


Current dosage recommendations are usually calculated too low: They focus only on the needs of bone metabolism, not long term health.

Other Important Supplements

Vitamin C: Strengthens our immune system, promotes bone formation, weakens diseased/degenerated cells.
Recommended supplementation: 1-3 g/d (in addition to vitamin-rich food)

Magnesium: Main key to the energy supply of all our body cells, indispensable for the activation of vitamin D and promotes sleep quality
Recommended supplementation: 300-400 mg/d (e.g. magnesium citrate)

Omega-3: Supplies polyunsaturated fatty acid, which the body cannot produce by itself. Controls vital, "good"                   inflammatory processes in a balanced ratio with omega-6. Balances the ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids, which are typically too high today

Recommended supplementation: approx. 1 g/d 

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