& The Importance of Vitamin D & Friends

As a holistic dental practice, we do not simply treat your oral symptoms: we also consider your whole body health.

Many dental concerns are rooted in systemic health, so we must also look at nutrition when treating your teeth.

  • Dr. Mallery believes in a clean diet consisting of organic or home-grown, unprocessed foods, as well as the avoidance of:



    -Frozen meals

    -Canned foods

    -Breakfast cereals

    -Fast food

    -And the reduction of wheat-based products and bread

    Instead, eat fresh whole foods rich in colorful vegetables, fruits, light meats, pastured eggs and butter, nuts, seeds, coconut oil, olive oil, fermented vegetables, and fresh filtered water.

  • Dental decay and gum disease is a sign of systemic dysbiosis. In other words, it is a sign that the normal flora, or bacteria, that coats our skin and lines our GI tract (which includes the oral cavity) is out of balance.

    One way to balance our healthy bacteria is to eat fermented foods like sauerkraut. Making fermented vegetables at home is very easy and they can last in your refrigerator for months at a time.

  • Vitamin D controls over 2000 genes and thus plays a crucial role for all organs and processes in our body, including our immune sys­tem. The body's vitamin D requirements cannot be met through food, because it is actually a hormone and not a vitamin. It is formed naturally by solar radiation.

    There is a modern rise in an vitamin D deficiency. Therefore, the supplementation of vitamin D3, independent of diet and sun, is essential for the long-term preservation of our health!

    How to get enough Vitamin D

    The most efficient approach is supplementa­tion under controlled supervision.

    Current dosage recommendations are usually calculated too low: They focus only on the needs of bone metabolism, not long-term health. You should aim for a lifelong vitamin D blood level of 50-80 ng/ml.

    Vitamin K2 (MK-7) is also an important element, as it works with Vitamin D to ensure optimal dis­tribution of calcium. This prevents arteriosclero­sis & osteoporosis (calcium incorporation into bones instead of vascular walls).

    A combination of the following supplements is recommended:

    -MK-7 (the most active form of Vitamin K): l00µg.

    -Vitamin D3: 10,000 I.U.

  • Vitamin C:

    Strengthens our immune system, promotes bone formation, weakens diseased/degenerated cells.

    → Recommended supplementation: 1-3 g/d (in addition to vitamin-rich food)


    Main key to the energy supply of all our body cells, indispensable for the activation of vitamin D and promotes sleep quality.

    → Recommended supplementation: 300-400 mg/d (e.g. magnesium citrate)


    Supplies polyunsaturated fatty acid, which the body cannot produce by itself. Controls vital, "good" inflammatory processes in a balanced ratio with omega-6. Balances the ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids, which are typically too high in today’s diets.

    Recommended supplementation: approx. 1 g/d


Dentist showing organic dental supplements to a patient

In addition to the general nutrition advice offered above, we offer protocols that help you achieve specific health goals. These protocols can be purchased in-office, and we utilize the best in natural supplements that are chosen for their science-based research, safety and bioavailability. Learn more about each protocol below!


    The presence of dental cavities indicates both a bacterial imbalance in the GI tract and a depletion of vitamins and minerals. In addition to eating an organic, sugar-free, whole-food diet, we also recommend supplementation with probiotics and micronutrients to prevent future cavities.

    Supplement protocol

    When metal, particularly mercury, is present in the mouth long-term, the metal is being released into the body, contaminating the tissues and the cells. After we remove metal dental restorations, it is important to also remove the build-up of metal over time from the cellular level.


    According to the dark-field microscopy research of Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD, ALL FDA-approved dental anesthetics contain graphene self-assembling nanotech. She further discovered that it is cleared out of the human body through a detoxification protocol consisting of the following supplements.